Tribute To The Queen Mother
(5 April 2002)

(click on the small images to see more detail) 


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On Friday, 5 April, Tim had the opportunity to view the procession of the late Queen Mother from Saint James' Palace to Westminster Abbey.  This is a view of Buckingham Palace before the throngs gathered.

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As the procession began, he was thrilled by the great spectacle...there were bands...

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there were representatives from various Common Wealth nations...

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there were formations of Guards of all types...

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When the horse-drawn carriage appeared, the mood was somber...


The Queen Mother lies beneath her Personal Standard

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on this side, we see Andrew, Charles, Phillip, Ann, and Edward...

Tim saw the dignity of the Princes and Princess...



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on this side, we see the younger Princes, William and Harry


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A last look back at Buckingham Palace