
Independence Day Celebrations
(30 June and 3 July 2001)


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The celebration begins Saturday June 30th with a train ride toWest Ruislip rail station (1).

"Fun and Games for Children" (face painting, flag making, etc.), as well as Velcro Olympics (2), food booths (3), Spaceball, , Quad Bikes, Delta Dog Display Team, and Motocross Display Team were part of the planned entertaiment (4).

We decided to arrive for just the Bogus Blues Brothers Band (5), (6), and (7), and the Civil War Reinactment (8 on).

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Tim waits patiently for the Southern Skirmish Association (SOSKAN) to begin the reinactment (8).

"They are the oldest American Civil War Re-enactment Society outside of the United States of America and is now in its 32nd year."

The remaining pictures are of the..."drill sessions and battles with all the noise, smoke and spectacle of the confluct using muskets, cannons and thundering cavalry.

Fireworks tonight (July 3rd) at RAF West Ruislip.

Happy 4th of July U.S.A.!!!j0219104.gif (11704 bytes)

To celebrate the 4th, we had our first truly American meal in a month at the Marleybone Station Burger King the evening of the 30th.

. burgerking.jpg (39265 bytes)Tim got a rare shot of me coming out of the Burger King

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